LTE World Machine Development News

Progress Update

A series of posts describing the changes afoot for the Long Term Evolution of World Machine.

Wow, it’s been longer than intended since the last update! In large part that’s because I caught myself writing several sprawling, documentary-like posts about the new features of LTE. That kind of content is honestly not what I want to write on this blog – it will instead be posted instead to the help center as official docs 🙂 I want this to be a casual and fun communications channel.

The biggest reason though, is the final race to get LTE finished! In my mind, the race to the finish would look like this:

Runner breaking through finish line

… in reality, it’s been a bit more like this:

Two runners dressed as zombies do a low crawl through an obstacle course during the third annual Zombie Run 5k Oct. 31 at Columbus AFB, Mississippi. Several of the obstacles runners had to go through included a wall climb, crawling through tubes and jumping over tires. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class John Day)
It’s ok, just 50 more kilometres to crawl!

The long slog through hundreds of porting items, fixes, and improvements has frankly felt endless. But all of the major systems are in place now. I’m pretty happy with how everything is coming together, and the pace of improvement can get even faster in the future.

The good news:

The first Dev Channel release can and will happen before it is ‘finished’. I want existing customers who are patiently waiting to be able to start playing with LTE and getting value from all of the hard work put in over the last year. And having more eyes and hands on the new features is certain to work out the kinks at a more rapid clip.

I don’t have a release date set yet, but there’s just a handful of to-do items left that need to be in place before that happens. Ya’ll will be the first to know when it gets scheduled!

Lastly, a small alpha test of LTE has been in progress for a while now.

The alpha testers are a relatively small and diverse set of folks who use WM in different ways. I heavily weight the feedback from the alpha team to help prioritize development for this and future releases.

I could still use a few more people who want to actively participate, so if you’d like to be considered for the alpha testing team, please drop me a line at and tell me a bit about yourself and how you use World Machine!


By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

Notable Replies

  1. LTE looks very exciting so far! Can’t wait to see what the final results will be :smiley:

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