Random Musings

Mother Nature

Mother nature has a way of throwing a kink into plans. If any of you reading this also live in the greater Seattle area, then you know about the Storm. 60-70mph winds, 1mil homes without power, all that good stuff.

Just got power back, with any luck things won’t be too delayed from it.

By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

3 replies on “Mother Nature”

We had 50+ mph winds here in Rapid City last week, woke up in the middle of the nite to find the window open in the computer room and every piece of paper from the printer floating around slowly, quite a “am I awake” moment.

my family and i live at leschi in the seattle city area and our power was out a day and a half. we have a generator so it wasnt too bad. i was up with my 7-week old son at 2am at the peak of the wind storm and watching huge clouds racing by was quite a sight to behold. hope everyone in the pacific northwest get their power soon.

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