World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development

Odds and Ends

It’s always amazing to me to realize just how much the 80/20 rule applies to software development. 80% of the code takes 20% of the time; 20% of the code takes 80%. Spent most of this week fiddling with performance issues, bugs and other development gremlins.

The Tiled File Input device now has a basic multi-resolution cache; More work needs to be done to get the performance to where it should be on very large datasets though. Right now, as soon as you actually NEED the cache, the performance will start to degrade somewhat severely.

The Spline Path tool in Layout mode is also giving some issues. It comes down to how in the heck I want to rasterize a spline path with falloff anyways. The current method is quite possibly the slowest I can envision, performing root-finding for every pixel to determine distance to the spline path. Needs to be improved on.
Lots of other tweaks happening too, all aimed at hopefully having the first testing by the alpha team begin prompty.

By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

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