Random Musings

The Flu

I knew there was a reason why I made a “Random Stuff” category. This is where I post thoughts and random happenings from my own life that are only marginally related to WM at best.
Nothing slows work progress on WM like getting sick. Got hit hard by the flu bug last night and haven’t really been able to do anything but drink water and answer emails today. My own fault, as I had just finished an extended workout with an hour-long jog that I think kicked the crap out of my immune system for a little bit, because I got a sore throat and a cough just an hour or so later.

Anyways, the thing I’m currently working on (besides finishing up the Tiled IO support) is to finally fix the goddamn seaming issues in Explorer mode once and for all. Explorer is almost unusable at low-resolutions because of the lighting seams. Well, it’s about half-fixed right now. The seams are now fixed for same-resolution tiles, but don’t deal with the adaptive level of detail very well. Have to change the seamfixing method for that to actually work right.
Small little issues like the explorer/layout seams are the kind of things that drive me nuts, as they aren’t such huge things but they take up a proportially huge amount of development time.

Off to make some chicken soup.

By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

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