… Annnd, before I go, this post brought to you by a few too many hours straight coding: I wish I could say this had some vague bit of usefulness, but it really doesn’t. It’s just a random H-S-B colored procedural draped across the terrain. Why? Because I thought it looked sort of cool. 🙂 […]
Category: World Machine Pro Development
All about WM Pro
The Tiled File Input Device is pretty much done now. All that remains is adding the multiresolution cache, which will be a big help for huge datasets but is not strictly necessary. Speaking of which… I just got done building a 1.6GB dataset for testing tiled input/output. Clocking in at around 5.5hrs of build time […]
The basic functionality of the Tiled File Input is completed. A bit more explanation of what it does might be in order. As you know, the normal File Input allows you to load a single file from disk, and place it at any size and location in worldspace. Thus, you can create a low-res guidemap, […]