
Device Reference Table of Contents

Generator Devices

Advanced Perlin Noise

Layout Generator

Tiled File Input

Color Generator

Perlin Noise

Voronoi Noise



Radial Gradient

File Input

Output Devices

Mesh Output

Bitmap Output

File Output

Combiner Devices



Natural Filter Devices

Coastal Erosion



Thermal Erosion

Filter Devices



Simple Transform




Simple Displacement


Height Splitter

Add Noise







Selector Devices

Convexity Selector

Height Selector

Slope Selector

Angle Selector

Converter Devices

Lightmap Generator

Normalmap Generator


Channel Splitter

Channel Combiner

Utility Devices


Multi Splitter

Multi Combiner


Parameter Devices

Scalar Generator

Scalar Clamp

Scalar Inverter

Scalar Arithmetic

Scalar Combiner

Bank Selector

Universal Splitter

Integer Generator

Coordinate Generator

Integer Equals

Generator Device - Advanced Perlin Noise

Available in all Editions

Advanced Perlin Noise is a second generation, highly customizable fractal terrain generator based upon the basic fractal noise techniques pioneered by Ken Perlin.
Perlin Noise works by layering the output of several sets of noise together. These layers are called octaves. The multiple octaves are combined together in a variety of ways to create the final result. Advanced Perlin Noise gives you total control over the types of noise used in each layer, as well as how they are combined. This allows you to create some very unique terrain shapes.

Device Parameters
Feature Size Controls the density of features of the terrain.
Feature Size roughly corresponds to the distance between major peaks or valleys. Small values produce quickly changing terrain, suitable for hills or lumps, while middle values are ideal for mountains. Large values allow continents and other shapes that are created on a massive scale.
Style Change the type of fractal noise that is produced.
Basic: Classic Perlin Noise. The resulting terrain looks something like very rough, jagged mountain terrain.
Ridged: Ridged Perlin has a very different character. Sharp discontinuities are laced throughout the terrain at all scales; these can look like ridges and spines in the terrain.
Billowy: The inverse of Ridged Perlin, the Billowy style produces terrain that has a lumpy appearance with sharp depressed creases throughout.
Smooth Ridged: Smooth Ridged style is similar to the Ridged style but has a smooth top to the ridges instead of sharp ridges.
Smooth Billowy: Smooth Billowy has lumpy shapes that have smooth creases throughout.
Sharp Ridged: Sharp Ridged is like the Ridged style but has even steeper walls than the regular Ridged style.
Flat Middle: As the name implies, this style uses a shape that has a flattened middle area, providing a broad band of smooth terrain shapes with steep peaks and valleys.
Terraced: The terraced style has a sharp drop in the middle altitude region. When layered together, it etches these drops all across the terrain.
Stephen's Choice 1: A multifractal variant created by Stephen Schmitt, author of World Machine. It has large-scale ridges much like the ridged variant, but at smaller scales it takes on much of the character of the billowy variant.
Octaves Controls the number of layers of noise that are used to create the fractal. The default setting, (automatic), determines the precise number of octaves necessary at the current detail level automatically. Low octave values can produce a very smooth and/or simple terrain, as well as being faster to compute.
Persistence Controls the degree to which the strength of each layer of noise is reduced as they are layered together. Low persistence values produce very smooth terrains, whereas increasing the persistence produces more detail (and spikiness). Unlike a low octaves value, all layers of noise are still calculated when using a low persistence, so that terrain features are smoothly introduced as the value is increased.
Elevation Center Adjust the typical middle height of the terrain. Changing this value will produce terrain that is predominantly at lower or higher elevations
Steepness Adjust the steepness of the grades in the terrain. Low values produce a flatter terrain; High values a steeper one.
Random Seed Changing the random seed will create new terrain that looks similar to the current one.
Guide Levels and Input The guide inputs allow you to guide the fractal combination process differently at different points in the terrain. To activate a guide, you must connect a device to the appropriate input.
Shapeguide lead-in level Allows you to set how many octaves of noise the shapeguide takes over. Higher values allow only smaller fractal variations through.
Distortion guide level Distortion can create some wild terrain effects, as the features are pulled and twisted like taffy. Higher values will produce more distortion.
Persistence guide level Allow the persistence to vary across the terrain. Higher values of the guide level will make the input values cause greater differences in the persistence.
Multiscale Fractal Parameters Multiscale Fractals are fractals that exhibit a different character at different scales. Often, this is based upon height, location, or other factors. These tend to produce more sophisticated or complicated terrains.
Activity Activity allows you to change how strongly the multiscale effect is applied.
Offset Offset determines at what elevation the fractal behavior begins to change its character. Since each variant uses the value here in a slightly different manner, the best guide to its use is experimentation.
Gain Another multifractal parameter, Gain typically controls the relative strength of the detailed versus smooth regions of the fractal. Low values are very smooth, while high values bring on the detailed nature more quickly.
Lead-in level The Lead-in level allows you to ensure that the first several octaves of noise are unaffected by the Multiscale behavior. This lets you ensure that the overall character of the land is not incredibly altered by the multiscale behavior.
Type There are several different multiscale combination methods; The best guide to them is experimentation, as often you will achieve unexpected results by changing them.
Signal Level: The multiscale character depends on the strength of the current octave of noise
Elevation: The multiscale character varies depending on the elevation of the current point
Bi-Signal Level: Multiscale activity kicks in at both extremes of the current octave of noise
Bi-Elevation: Multiscale activity kicks in at both extremes of elevation
Classical: A multiscale method similar to Signal Level, used in the previous version of World Machine
Customize Fractal Profile In a normal fractal noise type, each octave of noise uses the same basis function to define it. The Customize Fractal Profile option allows you to assign a custom type to each octave; this can allow you to produce some very unique terrain characteristics. Custom octaves are created from the lowest level (largest feature size) to highest (smallest).
+Octave Add a new custom octave of noise atop any existing ones.
-Octave Remove the topmost octave from the stack.
Clear all Remove all custom noise octaves
Edit Style Change the noise style for the selected octave
Edit Strength Change the strength of the selected octave level, from 0 to 200% of normal.

Generator Device - Layout Generator

Available in all Editions

A Layout Generator interacts with the Layout View to provide a home for a set of shapes you can use to define terrain shapes, create masks, add roads, and more. When you double click on a Layout Generator, World Machine will automatically launch the Layout View for the appropriate layout. An entire section of the User's Guide is devoted to using Layout Generators and the Layout View; see Chapter 5 of the User's Guide.

Generator Device - Tiled File Input

Professional Edition Only

The Tiled File Input device allows you to load a set of files that together represent a large expanse of terrain. From there, you can work with as large or small a portion of the tiled area as you want. In addition, since the Tiled File Input is simply another device in your world machine workflow, you can have as many input streams as you wish, allowing you to use many possibly overlapping tiled datasets, or to import texturing as well. The User's Guide has a section devoted to working with the Tiled File Input device; see Chapter 10 for more information. The focus here is explaining on what each checkbox or button does.

Device Parameters
Specify from Files... Choose the set of files to use as the tiled file input set
Validate Tileset Click this to validate each of the files in the tileset and make sure they all exist and are the same size
Use Tile Subset When checked, you can specify a subset of tiles to import with
Interpret as RGB Import the file data as a Bitmap as checked.
Tiles share edge vertices If World Machine should assume that the edges of each tile will match. When this option is not set correctly, there will be a one pixel offset in your tileset; Check the export options from World Machine or your other source of tiled data to see what this should be set to.
Flip Y-orientation of tiles Invert the vertical axis of each file if this is checked.
World Placement Control where in the world the tileset will be loaded to
Origin: Set the lower-left corner of the rectangular extents of the terrain area
Sizing: Specify the size of the terrain area in worldspace by specifying numerically or with the sliders
Size by Tile: Specify the size of each individual input tile; the total size will be determined automatically
Match to Current Extents: Select this to set the world location of the file input device to the current render extents
Set in Layout View: Change the view to Layout View to set the location graphically
Altitude Scaling Choose how to map elevation data present in the file to World Machine:
Natural Elevations: Ensure that the height values in the input files are translated correctly into the same elevation in World Machine
Full Range: Map the elevations present so that the highest and lowest elevation completely span the possible elevation range inside of World Machine
Specified: Specify an altitude range in meters that the input data should fall between
Performance Tuning The Tiled File Input device uses a multi-resolution cache to making working with your tileset easy. The default settings will usually achieve optimal performance; however, you can adjust the total amount of space allocated to the cache if you want to accomidate an extremely large tileset.
Preload Cache: Load and retain every tile's data to the maximum resolution possible to retain in cache memory. Preloading the cache will make subsequent use faster
Reset Cache: Empty the cache and cause it to re-load all data from disk
Reset Counters: Reset the cache performance counters to zero; this has no effect other than for reporting purposes.

Generator Device - Color Generator

Available in all Editions

The Color Generator is the primary way to create colors in your Bitmap networks. It creates a single solid color that exists everywhere in the world; however by using the mask input or combining the output with color generators or other sources of texture, they form the basis of texturing networks.

Device Parameters
Color Click on the color to launch the Windows Color Picker for selection.

Output Device - Mesh Output

Available in all Editions

The Mesh Output creates a triangulated mesh from the input heightfield. This is intended for general purpose rendering software or other applications that cannot use a Heightfield; The heightfield should be the preferred output method as it is a much more compact and efficient way of storing terrain data.

Device Parameters
Mesh Type Currently, there is only one type of triangulation technique available; this may change in the future.
Specify Output File... Click this to set the filename of the bitmap file using the Windows file dialog.
File Name Edit the name for the exported file.
File Format There is currently only one mesh format available. In the future, there will be several options here.
Export using Quads
Output File on every Build When checked, the output device will export the bitmap on every build.
Participate in Tiled Builds When checked, this output will export tiles during a tiled build.
Write Output to Disk When pressed, will write the build results to the file you've specified.

Output Device - Bitmap Output

Available in all Editions

The Bitmap Output allows you to export a Bitmap datatype to a file. You may export to either 8 or 16bit per channel color formats.

Device Parameters
Specify Output File... Click this to set the filename of the bitmap file using the Windows file dialog.
File Name Edit the name for the exported file.
File Format Choose a file format for export; there are both 8 and 16bit bit per channel formats available.
Output File on every Build When checked, the output device will export the bitmap on every build.
Participate in Tiled Builds When checked, this output will export tiles during a tiled build.
Blend Across Tiles This option only matters during a tiled build; it controls whether the between-tile blending should apply to the bitmap output or not. There is generally no reason to disable this, unless you are using color keying that depends on specific colors retaining their value.
Write output to disk! When pressed, will write the build results to the file you've specified.

Selector Device - Convexity Selector

Available in all Editions

The Convexity Selector discovers areas of the input terrain that are either highly exposed (convex) or recessed (concave). Convex areas are white (one), while concave areas are black (zero). Neutral areas that are neither will be neutral grey. This device can be very useful for texturing to either to help shadow recessed cracks in the terrain, or to bring out ridges and other areas that are highly exposed.

Device Parameters
Strength The Strength parameter determines what level of convexity maps to the largest allowable mask value.

Converter Device - Lightmap Generator

Available in all Editions

The Lightmap Generator produces a mask of light and shadow (called a Lightmap) that can be used in many applications to illuminate the terrain easily. The Lightmap Generator supports Raytraced lighting, and the output can be either exported to a file (by connecting a File Output node), or it can be used within World Machine to combine with a texturemap to produce a fully lit texture.

Device Parameters
Illumination Model
Direct Lighting: Light the terrain but do not cast shadows
Raytraced Lighting: Raytrace the terrain to produce shadows
Included Lighting
Shadows: Produce a map of only shadows.
Indirect Lighting: Produce a map containing shadows and sky lighting only.
Shadows + Indirect + Direct: Produce a complete lighting map.
Produce RGB Lightmap Check this option to produce a color bitmap rather than a heightmap mask for output. This will also enable the ability to set the color of the sun and sky.
Soft Clipping Soft clipping uses an exposure function to combine the diffuse and sky light components together. It only has a significant effect when the combined intensity is greater than 90% of maximum.
Use Global Light Direction When checked, the Lighting Generator will use the same lighting angle as the one specified in the leftside view and used in all the other previews.
Sun Heading The heading of the sun, otherwise known as the compass direction the sun is shining from.
Sun Altitude The elevation of the sun with respect to the horizontal.
Sky Lighting Level The amount of light illuminating the terrain from above; this represents the contribution of clouds and light scattering.
Diffuse Level The amount of light produced by the sun.
Sun Color Select this to set the lighting color of the sunlight (diffuse light) in the scene.
Sky Color Select this to set the lighting color of the skylight (ambient / light from above).

Converter Device - Normalmap Generator

Available in all Editions

The normalmap generator encodes the terrain normal into an RGB texture; each direction component of the normal is mapped to a color. (R=X, G=Y, B=Z) is the default encoding. Among other uses, this information can be then used over a low-resolution mesh, giving much of the feel of a high resolution terrain with a fraction of the geometry data.

Device Parameters
Encoding Type There is only one type currently for normal encoding: each axis is mapped to one of the three primary channels as noted.
Flip X Flip the encoding so that a positive X axis component is mapped to -127 instead of 127.
Flip Y Flip the encoding so that a positive Y axis component is mapped to -127 instead of 127.

Converter Device - Colorize

Available in all Editions

Map a color gradient to an input heightfield such that the values in the heightfield determine the color.

Device Parameters
Color 1 Choose the bottom color of gradient
Color 2 Choose the top color of the gradient

Converter Device - Channel Splitter

Available in all Editions

The Channel Splitter converts a Bitmap data packet into 3 individual component heightfields. You can use then use the individual channels in any manner you wish. You can split the bitmap into either Red/Green/Blue channels, or Hue/Saturation/Luminosity channels.

Device Parameters
Channel Type
Red / Green / Blue: Outputs the primary colors that make up the bitmap.
Hue / Saturation / Brightness: Output the bitmap split into channels representing the hue, color saturation, and brightness values of the bitmap.

Converter Device - Channel Combiner

Available in all Editions

The Channel Combiner recombines three individual heightfields into a Bitmap packet. The opposite of the Channel Splitter, this device can treat the three heightfields as either Red/Green/Blue or Hue/Saturation/Luminosity values.

Device Parameters
Channel Type
Red / Green / Blue: The three inputs represent red, green, and blue channels, respectively.
Hue / Saturation / Brightness: The three inputs represent the hue, saturation, and brightness of the image, respectively.

Natural Filter Device - Coastal Erosion

Available in all Editions

The Coastal Erosion device provides a quick approximation to the effect of large bodies of water on land; specifically, you can define a waterlevel and all adjacent heights will be adjusted so as to produce a beach and bluff region adjacent to the water. Note that the Coastal Erosion device does not perform any simulation to achieve its result, which has the benefit of making it very fast. However, the output is not as complicated as other simulation-based World Machine devices.

Device Parameters
Simulation Type There is currently only the basic water simulation available; this produces a fast but not geologically accurate result.
Use Global Water Level When checked, the water level will be taken from the water level specified on the leftside toolbar rather than the Water Level parameter. This is useful because the coastal waterlevel used will match the waterlevel displayed in WM2.
Water Level The elevation of the global waterlevel that will produce the beaches.
Beach Size How wide a zone around the water should be converted to beach.
Transition Zone Control how the beach leads into the terrain. Smooth will produce a smoother transition area, while Cliffs will produce bluff-like features.
Transition Power Low transition power flattens the beach less, while high values will produce a very flat beach with a sharper transition to the regular terrain.
Smooth Underwater Features When checked, features below the waterline will be smoothed.
Smoothing Amount The amount of smoothing to apply to underwater features.

Natural Filter Device - Snow

Available in all Editions

The Snow device simulates the accumulation of snow on the terrain. By varying the parameters, you can achieve results ranging from a slight dusting of snow to glacial accumulations. Note that unlike texture-based snow, the Snow device performs simulations and actually modifies the terrain heights, producing a very realistic snow effect.

Device Parameters
Intensity Intensity controls the amount of snow deposited during a given period of time during the simulation. Larger values will accumulate more quickly; smaller values will settle faster into gullies in the terrain.
Evaporative Balance The evaporative balance controls how fast snow will evaporate from the terrain relative to the snow intensity. A value of 1.0 means that snow evaporates at the same rate it is deposited.
Snow Amount The duration of the snow simulation. Greater values will deposit more snow and allow drifts to travel farther, however it will be slower to process.
Snow Line Specifies the elevation below which evaporation is greatly increased.
Linear Depthmask When this is checked, the depthmask output of the Snow device will contain the exact depth of snow at all locations. When unchecked (the default), the output is scaled logrithmically by the Depthmask Cutoff to produce the mask, producing a visuaully useful result.
Depthmask Cutoff The scaling factor used to construct the snow mask. Lower values will show only the deepest areas of snow, while high values will show even those regions with low accumulation.
Taper Snowfall When checked, the snowfall intensity is reduced towards the end of the snow simulation; when unchecked, new snow is produced even in the very last steps of the simulation. Toggling this option on can be useful when attempting to produce features such as glaciers that represent accumulation over a long time period.

Generator Device - Perlin Noise

Available in all Editions

Perlin Noise is a noise function developed by Ken Perlin.
By itself perlin noise produces output that looks something like lumps scattered about the world in random intensities. By layering multiple perlin noises at different frequencies and amplitudes, fractal noise functions that look to varying degrees like mountains can be created.
Perlin Noise serves as an extremely useful building block. It can be used as the basis for a terrain, to randomize the application of effect filters, and much more.

Device Parameters
Feature Size Controls the density of features of the terrain.
It roughly corresponds to the distance between major peaks or valleys. Low values produce quickly changing terrain, suitable for hills or lumps, while middle values are ideal for mountains. Large values allow continents and other shapes that are created on a massive scale.
Noise Types Change the type of fractal noise that is produced.
Standard Monofractals These are classic perlin noise variants based upon monofractals. A Monofractal has the same character at all locations in the terrain.
Standard: Classic Perlin Noise. The resulting terrain looks something like very rough, mountainous terrain.
Ridged: Ridged Perlin has a very different character. Sharp discontinuities are laced throughout the terrain at all scales; these can look like ridges and spines in the terrain.
Billowy: The opposite of Ridged Perlin, the Billowy style produces terrain that has a lumpy appearance with sharp depressed creases throughout.
Multifractals These more advanced variants have characteristics that vary throughout the terrain based upon elevation, location, or other factors. They tend to produce more sophisticated or complicated terrains.
Multifractals enable the Offset and Gain parameters that Standard monofractals don�t use.
Stephen's Experimental: A multifractal variant created by Stephen Schmitt, author of World Machine. It has large-scale ridges much like the ridged variant, but at smaller scales it takes on much of the character of the billowy variant.
Height-based Multifractal: A variant that is smoother at low elevations, and more rugged at high elevations. The intention is to better model the different textures of rough mountains and smooth lowlands. This produces a far more natural appearance than the standard perlin noise.
Hybrid Multifractal: Invented by Ken Musgrave. Similar to the Height-based Multifractal, it has more controllable parameters (see below) and produces arguably better results.
Ridged Multifractal: Invented by Ken Musgrave. Similar to the Ridged monofractal, ridges run through the terrain at all scales. However, at lower elevations the ridges are damped out, allowing for smooth valleys between the mountain spines. It can serve as a good basis to produce spindly mountains.
Octaves Controls the number of layers of noise that are used to create the fractal. The default setting, (automatic), determines the precise number of octaves necessary at the current detail level automatically. Low octave values can produce a very smooth and/or simple terrain, as well as being faster to compute.
Persistence Controls the degree to which the strength of each layer of noise is reduced as they are layered together. Low persistence values produce very smooth terrains, whereas increasing the persistence produces more detail (and spikiness). Unlike a low octaves value, all layers of noise are still calculated when using a low persistence, so that terrain features are smoothly introduced as the value is increased.
Offset Used by the multifractal style variants above, offset determines at what elevation the fractal behavior begins to change its character. Since each variant uses the value here in a slightly different manner, the best guide to its use is experimentation.
Gain Another multifractal parameter, Gain typically controls the relative strength of the detailed versus smooth regions of the fractal. Low values are very smooth, while high values bring on the detailed nature more quickly.
Random Seed The value used to begin, or �seed�, the random number generator for this device. Different seed values will produce similar features but in completely different locations.
Use Stabilized Noise Stabilized noise refers to whether or not the noise should be rescaled to fill the entire height range of the terrain quad. The default is checked; this means that the terrain is NOT rescaled, and thus will remain the same if the terrain is panned around the world; thus the term �stabilized�. There is usually little reason to uncheck this, and doing so will interfere with panning or scaling of the terrain.
Enable Distortion Input When checked, an optional input is revealed on the Perlin Noise device that accepts a heightfield. The distortion input allows you to shift the coordinates that are fed into the Perlin Noise device in a certain direction; this allows some very interesting effects to be created.
Phase Distortion
Strength: The amount that the noise function should be shifted in a given direction. This controls the strength of the effect; low values provide only a subtle effect, while large values can be quite dramatic and wild depending on the heightfields.
Direction: The direction in which the coordinates should be shifted. Specified by an angle, where 0 is to the left, 90 is down, 180 is to the right, and so on.

Generator Device - Voronoi Noise

Available in all Editions

Voronoi noise implements a cellular texture basis function as described by Steven Worley. Voronoi noise has sharp discontinuities (ridges), and can form the basis for some very interesting terrain effects.

Device Parameters
Feature Size Controls the density of features of the terrain.
It roughly corresponds to the distance between major peaks or valleys. Low values produce quickly changing terrain, suitable for hills or lumps, while middle values are ideal for mountains. Large values allow continents and other shapes that are created on a massive scale.
Style The Voronoi styles are difficult to describe. Each produces a different character of output ridges; experimentation is really the only guide to what style may look good in what circumstances.
Fn style: Uses the distance to the n-th closest point to create the texture
Fm - Fn style: Equivalent to subtracting the Fn texture from the Fm texture
Fn Cells: Creates single-value cells identifying where a given feature point is used.
Distance Function How the device measures distance to the nearest point.
Euclidean: Distances are measured "normally".
Manhattan: Distances are measured at right angles; so called because it is equivalent to how you would specify distances in a large city, by �X blocks up and Y blocks over�.
Alternatives #1 and #2: Distances measured using special metrics; the effect created is better visualized rather than described.
Random Seed The value used to begin, or �seed�, the random number generator for this device. Different seed values will produce similar features but in completely different locations.
Enable Distortion Input When checked, an optional input is revealed on the Voronoi device that accepts a heightfield. The distortion input allows you to shift the coordinates that are fed into the Perlin Noise device in a certain direction; this allows some very interesting effects to be created.
Phase Distortion
Strength: The amount that the noise function should be shifted in a given direction. This controls the strength of the effect; low values provide only a subtle effect, while large values can be quite dramatic and wild depending on the heightfields.
Direction: The direction in which the coordinates should be shifted. Specified by an angle, where 0 is to the left, 90 is down, 180 is to the right, and so on.

Generator Device - Constant

Available in all Editions

The Constant generator simply creates a level, flat terrain of a constant height.

Device Parameters
Height The height at which to create a flat plane.

Generator Device - Gradient

Available in all Editions

The Gradient generator produces a constantly sloping plane that is optionally tiled or clipped in world space.

Device Parameters
Direction The direction of increasing value of the plane. 0 = east, 90 = north, 180 = west, 270 = south.
Width The amount of space used to transition from low to high. Specified in world coordinates, the default is 1.0.
Tiling The Tiling Method describes how to deal with areas that lie outside of the "primary" gradient location.
None: The gradient will not be tiled in world space. Outlying areas are clipped to zero or one in height.
Linear: The gradient will tile in world space. After reaching the maximum value, the gradient will reverse itself until reaching zero value, then repeats.
Discontinuous: The gradient will tile in world space. After reaching the maximum value, the gradient will jump immediately back to zero.

Generator Device - Radial Gradient

Available in all Editions

The Radial Gradient generator creates shapes that are all centered around one point in space.

Device Parameters
Radius How large an area the shape should cover. The default value is 1.0, which happens to completely fill the default terrain extents.
Type Defines the profile of the radial gradient.
Spherical: A sphere-shaped profile that falls off steeply at the edges.
Gaussian: A mound-shaped profile that follows a gaussian distribution.
Diamond: A constantly sloped profile that looks much like a pyramid.
Square: A square profile. It stays level until dropping sharply at the edges to zero.
Cone: Constantly slopes downward to zero in all directions.

Generator Device - File Input

Available in all Editions

The File Input imports a bitmap or terrain file from disk and inserts it into the world at a location and scale specified. The File Input device can read TER, BT, HFZ, PNG, TIFF, BMP, TGA, R32, R16, and RAW formats.

Device Parameters
Load This button brings up a dialog to specify the file to load from disk.
Refresh from File This command instructs the File Input device to reload the file from disk. This is useful if you have the file open in another editor and have made a change that you want to transfer into World Machine.
Use absolute path If this is checked, the filename chosen by clicking the Load button will contain the full path to the input file. Otherwise, it will only contain a relative path to the file if possible.
Auto-refresh from file every build If this is checked, every time you build the world (press the Green build button), the File Input device will re-read and import the bitmap data from the file. This can be used to, for example, read back in the exact same file that later in the network gets exported, allowing you to produce a terrain that gets slowly eroded through multiple output steps, for example!
Interpret as RGB Import the file data as a Bitmap as checked.
Flip Y-axis Invert the vertical axis if this is checked.
Outside Behavior Controls what the device outputs outside of the world space area specified by the worldspace placement.
Blank: All outside areas are filled with height zero.
Repeat Edge Values: The height of the outside area will match whatever the value is of the closest edge pixel in the scaled area.
Tile: The output will repeat itself infinitely across the entire world space.
Mirror: The output will endlessly mirror itself across the entire world space.
Edge Blending The File Input device exports a blending area around the input terrain as an additional mask. This slider controls how large a percentage of the file input area is consumed by the blending zone.
World Placement Set where in the world to import the chosen file.
Origin: Set the lower-left corner of the rectangular extents of the terrain area
Sizing: Specify the size of the terrain area in worldspace by specifying numerically or with the sliders
Preserve file aspect ratio: When checked, the aspect ratio (width and height ratio) will be preserved, keeping imported features undistorted if they differ from the world�s aspect ratio. When unchecked, the imported file will be scaled to fit the aspect ratio of the world.
Set from View: Select this to set the world location of the file input device to the current render extents
Bring into View: Selecting this option will change the current render extents to the location you've set for the file input region
Set in Layout...: Change the view to Layout View to set the location graphically
Altitude Scaling Choose how to map elevation data present in the file to World Machine:
Natural Elevations: Ensure that the height values in the input files are translated correctly into the same elevation in World Machine
Full Range: Map the elevations present so that the highest and lowest elevation completely span the possible elevation range inside of World Machine
Specified: Specify an altitude range in meters that the input data should fall between

Output Device - File Output

Available in all Editions

The File Output device saves the fully built heightfield to disk.
Only the heightfield information is saved -- any color-height mapping applied in World Machine is for illustration only, and is lost.

Device Parameters
Set This button brings up a dialog to specify the filename to save to disk.
Use absolute path for setting filename If checked, the filename will include the full path. Otherwise, it will contain the relative path if possible.
Participate when building tiled worlds When checked, this output will export tiles during a tiled build.
Save file every build If this is checked, every time you build the world (press the Green build button), the File Output device will save the heightfield to disk.
Write output to disk Writes the current build results to the specified file. If the world is not built (the File Output's status indicator is red) you will be prompted to build the world
Output Format This group of options controls the type of file that will be saved by the File Output device.
Low Precision
TGA: Greyscale RGB TGA
BMP: Greyscale RGB BMP
RAW: 8bit RAW file with no header
High Precision
Terragen: Terragen-format output
Leveller: Leveller-format output
PNG: PNG 16bit per channel
Povray-TGA: The Povray-TGA format stores 16bits of heightfield data across the Red and Green channels of a standard TGA. The Red channel holds the upper 8 bits, the Green the lower 8.
RAW16: 16bit RAW file, in standard PC byte-endian format
RAW-FP32: 32bit Floating Point RAW. Each 4 byte data value is a single-precision floating point value
BT: The BT format created by the Virtual Terrain Project (http://www.vterrain.org/)
PGM(ASCII): Portable GreyMap. An extremely simple ASCII-based 16bit format
TIFF: TIFF 16bit per channel
HFZ: HFZ compressed output

Filter Device - Splitter

Available in all Editions

The Splitter device allows you to wire a single output to several different inputs. In other words, it �splits� the output wire into multiple paths. You can configure the number of output ports on the splitter.

Device Parameters
Outputs Set the number of outputs to distribute the input.

Combiner Device - Combiner

Available in all Editions

The Combiner combines two seperate terrains into one. There are a variety of different methods that can be used to combine the terrains -- each will give a different effect.

Device Parameters
Average: Average the two terrains together; the strength parameter controls the weighting of the average.
Add: Add the 2nd terrain to the 1st. The strength control adjusts the amount of addition.
Subtract: Subtract the 2nd terrain from the 1st. The strength control adjusts the amount of subtraction.
Multiply: Multiply the terrains together. The strength control blends from none to full multiplication.
Max: Use the tallest height of either terrain at each point.
Min: Use the lowest height of either terrain at each point.
Power: Exponentiate the 1st terrain with varying power based upon the 2nd.
Root: Take the root of the 1st terrain with varying power based upon the 2nd.
: Values in the second heightfield above 0.5 are added to the first; if they're below that, they're subtracted.
Strength The strength control adjusts the operation strength. Low values will produce an output terrain that is very close to the first input, while high values will apply the operation with increasing strength.

Combiner Device - Chooser

Available in all Editions

The Chooser blends two heightmaps (Input Ports A and B) together based upon guidance from a 3rd input (Input C). Low or high values of input C will strongly favor one or the other of the inputs, while middle values will blend the two.

Device Parameters
Method How to blend between A and B.
High Values of C choose B: Average the first and second inputs together, with the weighting contrlled by input C.
High Values of C choose A: Average the first and second inputs together, with the weighting contrlled by input C.
Add B to A based on C: Add heightfield B to heightfield A but only in those areas selected by C.

Filter Device - Clamp

Available in all Editions

The Clamp device performs scaling and clipping on the terrain heights in the input heightfield. Scaling means to change the heights of a terrain uniformly. For example, scaling a terrain by 0.5 would reduce all height values by 50%. Clipping means to eliminate any values outside of a certain height range. Clipping a terrain to 0.5 would set any height values above 0.5 down to 0.5.

Device Parameters
Height Selection Sliders The two vertical sliders control the selected height range. The range is marked by the white band within the full dark grey range.
Clamp Style There are three clamping styles that control whether to scale the terrain, clip it, or both.
Clamp: Reduce the terrain heights to fit within the selected height range. No clipping occurs.
Clip: Clip terrain to the selected height range. Any values above or below the valid height range will be set to the borders of the range.
Expand: Expand the terrain heights from within the height range to fill the entire 0..1 height range. Any values outside of the height range are clipped.
Find Extents Pressing this button will automatically examine the current terrain and set the height range to the minimum and maximum values existing within the terrain. Note that this command is a one-time action; if the input terrain changes, the height range may not correspond any more.
Normalize Input Normalizes the input terrain before applying any operations. This ensures that the incoming heights exactly stretch between 0 and 1, but will cause problems in Explorer as well as when the terrain is panned or zoomed.

Filter Device - Simple Transform

Available in all Editions

A set of simple operations that can be performed upon a heightfield.
The usefulness of this set of operations is mostly superseceded by newer and more powerful devices.

Device Parameters
Height Transforms
Canyonize: All terrain is lifted, and the higher areas tend to become flattened out
Glaciate: Low areas become lower and flatter; Tall areas become steeper.
Cubic Midlands: The middle elevations become flat, with steep mountain peaks and deep crevasses.
Midland Plateau: A single large plateau is created at the middle elevations.
Kernel Transforms
Smoothing filter: Performs simple smoothing (blurring) on the input terrain.
Height-varying lowpass filter: Same as the above, except the effect is filtered to only occur at lower elevations.
Intensity Modifier The number of times the above set of operations will be performed. Higher values will produce more intense results.

Filter Device - Terrace

Available in all Editions

The Terrace device creates evenly spaced terraces (level areas) in the input terrain. This can be used to simulate exposed rock strata layers, a river eroding multiple bank levels, and much more.

Device Parameters
Terrace Method Each terracing method produces a different looking terrain; They influence what kind of slopes the terraces consist of.
Simple: Simple terraces are just completely flat, level areas seperated by near-vertical jumps between levels. They are the least realistic looking, but can be useful for special effects.
Sharp: The default method, Sharp produces a distinct sharp edge at the top of the terrace, with a smooth lower edge.
Smooth: The smooth method has smoothed edges on both the top and bottom. It gives a much "softer" feel than the Sharp method, which may or may not be desired.
Number of Terraces The number of terraces to carve into the terrain, divided up evenly across the entire 0..1 height range.
Terrace Shape For the 'Sharp' and 'Smooth' styles, this parameter ultimately controls the strength of the terracing. A Value around 0.5 produces no terracing at all, but great or lesser values slowly introducing the terraces into the terrain until they reach maximum effect.

Filter Device - Curves

Available in all Editions

The Curves device allows you to map elevations in the input terrain to new elevations by graphically drawing a curve representing how each elevation should be remapped. The Height Curve could be thought of as a sort of "Profile View" of the terrain elevation profile.

Device Parameters
Drawing Area The drawing area displays the current height curve and allows you to modify it. The current curve is shown in black. Clicking and dragging the mouse will modify the curve.
Presets Each preset corresponds to one of the height effects in the Simple Transform device.
Linear: The Linear curve is the baseline and serves as a starting point; It reproduces exactly the input heightfield
Glaciation: Low areas become lower and flatter; Tall areas become steeper.
Canyonization: All terrain is lifted, and the higher areas tend to become flattened out
Cubic Midlands: The middle elevations become flat, with steep mountain peaks and deep crevasses.
Midland Plateau: A single large plateau is created at the middle elevations.
Curve Strength You can modify the strength of the curve effect from full strength to none.
Bake Curve Baking the Curve only has an effect if you have adjusted the curve strength above. Clicking the Bake button after setting the strength to a new value will "bake" that altered strength as the actual curve.
Smooth Curve Performs a small amount of smoothing on the curve shape. Useful to clean up hand-drawn curves.
Auto-smoothing When this is checked, any drawing done in the drawing area will automatically be smoothed after the mouse button is released.

Filter Device - Inverter

Available in all Editions

Inverts the terrain heights. Low elevations become high elevations and vice versa.
Besides producing some interesting terrain shapes in its own right, it can be a very handy tool to have available to create more complex effects.

Filter Device - Simple Displacement

Available in all Editions

The Displacement device acts horizontally on the heightfield to push around or smear pixels. There are multiple names for this operation; you will see it commonly called Distortion, Warping, or Displacement; they are all names for the same thing. Displacement can produce some wild looking terrain; rock can seem to be pulled like taffy or be bowed and wavy. The kind of effect that the Displacement device produces is highly dependant on the features of the terrain connected to the second input.

Device Parameters
Direction The direction that the terrain should be displaced towards, in degrees. 0 is to the left, 90 is down, 180 is to the right, and so on.
Strength The amount (distance) that the terrain will be displaced.
Centered When checked, the Distortion Amount map values below 0.5 will pull the terrain, and above 0.5 will push the terrain. When unchecked, all values will push the terrain.
Edge Handling What to do when a height value is needed that lies beyond the terrain quad.
Repeat edge values: Out of bound areas are clipped to the edge values of the terrain quad.
Mirror interior values: Out of bound areas are filled with a mirrored copy of the terrain quad.

Filter Device - Ramp

Available in all Editions

The Ramp device scales and remaps the height values used in the terrain.
The effect can be best visualized by feeding a linear gradient as input. The straight line is turned into a sawtooth shape by the Ramp filter.

Device Parameters
Type of Ramp
Linear Ramp (default): Every other ramp is a negatively sloped one that brings the heights back to zero.
Standard Ramp: Wrap height directly back to zero
Frequency How many ramps should the full (0.0...1.0) height range be partitioned into.
Keep full height When checked, the terrain is vertically scaled so that features do not loose their size as the ramp frequency increases. When unchecked, the slope of the terrain will be retained.

Filter Device - Height Splitter

Available in all Editions

The Height Splitter evenly splits the input terrain into ranges of similar elevations. Each elevation ranges is then output on a seperate output port.
A Height Splitter can be useful for applying differing effects based on elevation, creating masks, or other special purposes.

Device Parameters
Number of Bands Specify the number of height ranges to chop the input terrain into.
Clipping Behavior Specifies the height value to set for areas outside of the height range on each output.
Reduce to zero: Set out of bounds areas to zero height.
Maintain height: Set out of bounds areas to the lowest/highest allowable height for that range.

Filter Device - Add Noise

Available in all Editions

This filter adds a specifiable amount of random noise to the terrain. This extremely high-frequency, fine detail can be useful for adding surface roughness to the heightfield.

Device Parameters
Noise Type
Normal Noise: The noise can displace the terrain up or down.
Additive Noise: The noise can only displace the terrain up.
Noise Amount The amount (height) of the random noise that is added into the terrain.

Filter Device - Probability

Available in all Editions

The Probability filter treats the input map as a probability density function, and creates a mask that randomly scatters dots according to that density function. It is intended to be useful for object placement maps.

Device Parameters
Probability Type What kind of distribution model to use. There is currently only one option.
Uniform: Use a uniform distribution to scatter the points across the map.
Bias The Bias control adjusts what value in the input map represents 50% probability of dot creation. The default is 0.5. Adjusting this will cause greater or fewer numbers of dots to be created.

Filter Device - Bias/Gain

Available in all Editions

The Bias/Bain device allows you to nonlinearly adjust the Bias and Gain (Brightness and Contrast) of the input map. This is immensely useful for adjusting the shape of terrains, the coverage of masks, and fine tuning the results of almost any output.

Device Parameters
Bias Adjusts the input elevations. Low values reduce terrain height; High values increase it.
Gain Adjusts the input steepness. Low values produce slowly rolling features; High values produce very contrasty, steep terrain.

Filter Device - Flipper

Available in all Editions

The Flipper device flips the input terrain in a vertical or horizontal direction.

Device Parameters
Flip Horizontally Check this option to flip the terrain horizontally
Flip Vertically Check this option to flip the terrain vertically

Filter Device - Equalizer

Available in all Editions

The Equalizer adjusts the range of heights present in the heightfield so that as close as possible, each height value is equally represented in the output. This regularity allows you to more predictably shape equalized noises as compared to regular ones.
In addition, the Equalizer can produce some very interesting and useful terrain features when applied to a terrain.

Device Parameters
Equalization Controls the amount of equalization performed on the input terrain, from none (0.0) to fully equalized (1.0).
Capture sample Pressing this button will have the Equalizer device capture and save the equalization data for the current input terrain. It will then use that data, rather than the actual terrain heights, when judging equalizations. When using a captured sample, the results will be predictable and repeatable for any input terrain; thus the device will work correctly in Explorer mode.
Release sample Pressing this button will release any sample data the device is currently keeping from using the "Capture Sample" button above.

Filter Device - Blur

Available in all Editions

The Blur filter smooths (blurs) the input map. This can be useful either by itself or in conjunction with other devices for special purposes.

Device Parameters
Blur type
Uniform: Uniform blur has a strong effect but may not look as good as the Gaussian blur type below.
Gaussian: Gaussian blur is a high quality blurring filter that produces very smooth output.
Motion Blur: Blurs only in the X direction, producing a motion blur effect along that axis.
Blur radius The radius of the blur controls how many neighboring pixels are considered in the blurring operation. Larger values produce smoother output.
Scale-independant Checking this box ensures that you will see the same amount of smoothing whether creating a small or large resolution output. Without this checked, the effective amount of smoothing will decrease as the resolution increases.

Filter Device - Expander

Available in all Editions

The Expander device performs what are often called "image morphology" operations. When operating on a mask, it can intelligently increase or decrease the size of the masked area. When operating on a heightfield, it will produce very interesting shaping operations that can both change the size of the terrain and also sculpt it.

Device Parameters
Max: Areas of higher elevation grow outwards.
Min: Areas of higher elevation shrink inwards.
Swell: Overall elevation is unchanged, but the terrain tends to grow lumpy or swollen.
Tighten: Overall elevation is unchanged, but the terrain sends to become "stretched", and ridges appear.
Filter type
Square: Consider a square area of effect. Fastest, but the least high quality operation.
Circular: Consider a circular area of effect. Slow, but produces the most mathematically correct results.
Hybrid: Combining the two above methods, Hybrid preserves the most of the original terrain out of all three methods, and is fairly fast as well.
Distance How many neighboring pixels are considered in the blurring operation. Larger values produce a greater effect.
Scale-independant Checking this box ensures that you will see the same amount of smoothing whether creating a small or large resolution output. Without this checked, the effective amount of smoothing will decrease as the resolution increases.

Natural Filter Device - Erosion

Available in all Editions

The Erosion filter simulates the work of thousands or millions of years of weathering and erosion by rain, flowing water and mass movement. It is an exceptionally useful tool to add detail and realism to human-created terrains.
There are a large number of parameters in the Erosion device and each parameter can interact with the others to create to a unique effect. Because of this, it is well worth your time to experiment either with your own settings or using one of the presets supplied with the device. Dramatically different effects and intensities of erosion can be achieved.

Device Parameters
Erosion Parameters
Erosion Method
Standard Erosion: Standard Erosion produces weathered features without deep gullies.
Channeled Erosion: Channeled Erosion deepens and carves additional gullies into the terrain.
Filtering Type As the terrain is eroded, filtering is optionally applied at each step to change the resulting effect upon the terrain.
No Filter: No filtering is performed. This type of erosion tends to have a sharp, dry feel to it.
Simple Filter: Simple smoothing is performed. Features are more rounded and smoothed, well suited to wet climates.
Inverse Filter: Inverse filtering enhances the reach of each water droplet. This can lead to features that are better suited to ice-carved climates.
Erosion Base Duration The simulated amount of time to erode the terrain.
Rock Hardness The difficulty with which water is able to break apart the terrain.
Sediment carry amount The volume of sediment that can be contained within the flowing water.
Filter strength How strongly to use the filter selected in Filtering Type above.
Randomize Keeping the same random seed will ensure that the eroded output will be the same for a given input.
Geological-Time Enhancement Geological-Time Enhancement simulates dramatically extending the duration of erosion to very large time periods. This is achieved without running the simulation for excessively long time periods.
Enable: Checking this box enables GTE.
Erosive Power: This slider multiplies the effect of the erosion. The lowest setting will produce identical results to normal erosion; As the value increases the erosion effect is exponentially strengthend.
Reconstruction Type Governs how to reconcile the long-term erosion effects with the starting terrain.
Additive (sharp): Produces sharper terrain features but can suffer from axis-aligned terrain shape artifacts.
Interpretive (blended): (Default) Smoothly blends ancient and modern erosional features.
Channeling Erosion Parameters These parameters are only used when Channeled Erosion is enabled.
Channel depth: How deeply to carve the channels into the terrain.
Post-channeling erosion: Specify a percentage of erosion to perform after the channeling is done.
Increasing this value can make the channelling look more natural.

Natural Filter Device - Thermal Erosion

Available in all Editions

The Thermal Erosion device is intended to simulate the erosion of landscapes through freeze/thaw cycles that breakup rock and create talus slopes. Compared to the standard Erosion device, the Thermal Erosion device is less commonly used and often gives best results when used in concert with the normal erosion.

Device Parameters
Iterations The amount of erosion to perform on the terrain (corresponding to the amount of time spent eroding it)
Classic: Classic thermal weathering has only a single critical slope value. Once the gradient becomes steeper than this value, the terrain will erode; Once it becomes less, the erosion will stop.
Two-phase: Two-phase weathering tracks the location of talus differently than uneroded rock; the talus critical slope can be specified seperately to achieve a more realistic effect.
Strength Scales the strength of the erosion effect. The default is full strength.
Mass Balance Controls whether terrain material is only removed (left side), only added (right side), or both (middle).
Rock Angle The angle above which rock will begin to erode.
Talus Angle The angle below which talus will stop sliding, used only when Two-phase weathering is enabled.

Selector Device - Height Selector

Available in all Editions

The Height Selector is used to create a mask that hilights a certain height range of the input terrain. The output will be full strength (white) in that range area and zero strength (black) outside of it. There is a controllable falloff amount that blends between the fully selected and fully-unselected areas.

Device Parameters
Height Sliders The height sliders define a range of two heights. All heights between them will be selected.
Fuzziness Areas outside of the exact height range specified will be partially selected based upon the strength of the fuzziness slider.
Falloff Type
Linear: The fuzziness curve is a linear curve.
Exponential: The fuzziness curve is an exponential curve (steep falloff at first, slow decay farther away).

Selector Device - Slope Selector

Available in all Editions

The Slope Selector is used to create a mask that hilights areas of the terrain that have a particular slope. The output will be full strength (white) in those sloped areas and zero strength (black) outside of it. There is a controllable falloff amount that blends between the fully selected and fully-unselected areas.

Device Parameters
Slope Sliders The slope sliders define a range of two slope. All areas with slopes between these two will be selected.
Fuzziness Areas outside of the exact slope range specified will be partially selected based upon the strength of the fuzziness slider.
Falloff Type
Linear: The fuzziness curve is a linear curve.
Exponential: The fuzziness curve is an exponential curve (steep falloff at first, slow decay farther away).

Selector Device - Angle Selector

Available in all Editions

The Angle Selector is used to create a mask that hilights areas of the terrain that have a particular orientation (facing). For example, you can select only those parts that face north, or are at some angle to the horizon.

Device Parameters
Heading Specify the direction (heading) of those faces of the terrain to be selected. (0=west, 90=south, 180=east, etc)
Elevation Specify the vertical angle (elevation) of the faces of the terrain to be selected.

Utility Device - Pull-up

Available in all Editions

The Pull-up is a device intended for Macro creators. It is used to provide a reference value if no outside heightfield is specified.
It has two inputs, the Reference and Override input. If data is present on the Override input, that data will be sent to the output. Otherwise, the data from the Reference input is sent.

Utility Device - Multi Splitter

Available in all Editions

The Multi Splitter is most useful for Macro creators.
Like a normal Splitter, it allows you to split a single input into multiple outputs. However unlike a normal splitter, the Multi Splitter will only transfer the input data to a single one of its outputs. All other outputs will not transmit data.
This is useful if you have several effects-paths within the macro. To save processing power and memory, you can disable all but the currently selected path using a Multi Splitter and Multi Combiner pair.

Device Parameters
Number of Outputs Set the number of outputs the device will possess.
Output Choice Specify the output that will recieve the input data.

Utility Device - Multi Combiner

Available in all Editions

The Multi Combiner is usually paired with a Multi Splitter. It is most useful for Macro creators.
Although the Multi Combiner has multiple inputs, it will only actually use the data from one of them. That data will be passed along untouched to the output port. The input port that is to be used is specified by the Input Choice parameter.
This is useful if you have several effects-paths within the macro. To save processing power and memory, you can disable all but the currently selected path using a Multi Splitter and Multi Combiner pair.

Device Parameters
Number of Inputs Set the number of inputs the device will possess.
Input Choice Specify the port number of the input that will be passed on to the output.

Utility Device - Switch

Available in all Editions

The Switch is a device intended for Macro creators.
It allows you to pass only one of two inputs on to the output based upon the value of its parameter.

Device Parameters
Input choice When checked, the 2nd input port is sent to the output. Otherwise, the 1st input port is.

Parameter Device - Scalar Generator

Available in all Editions

Creates a single scalar value between 0.0 and 1.0.
This value can then be used to drive a parameter input on a different device.
Like all Parameter devices, its primary purpose is to assist in the creation of high quality parameterizations for macros. See the User's Guide for more information on parameterization.

Device Parameters
Value The scalar value to generate.

Parameter Device - Scalar Clamp

Available in all Editions

Modifies the input scalar so that it lies only in a certain value range.
This is similar to the Clamp device for heightfields except that it operates on single values only.
Like all Parameter devices, its primary purpose is to assist in the creation of high quality parameterizations for macros. See the User's Guide for more information on parameterization.

Device Parameters
Max Range The maximum value to allow in the output
Min Range The minimum value to allow in the output
Type Specify the type of clamping to perform: Whether to scale or clip the input value.
Rescale: The input value is rescaled so that it maintains its relative position within the value range compared to the full 0..1 range of a scalar.
Clip: Clip the input value. If it is greater or lower than the range specified, it will be clipped to the range.

Parameter Device - Scalar Inverter

Available in all Editions

Inverts a scalar value (IE: 1.0 - value).
Like all Parameter devices, its primary purpose is to assist in the creation of high quality parameterizations for macros. See the User's Guide for more information on parameterization.

Parameter Device - Scalar Arithmetic

Available in all Editions

Perform a simple arithmetic operation on a scalar value.
Like all Parameter devices, its primary purpose is to assist in the creation of high quality parameterizations for macros. See the User's Guide for more information on parameterization.

Device Parameters
Amount The number to combine with the input value.
Add to Value: Add the value in Amount to the input scalar.
Subtract from Value: Subtract the value in Amount from the input scalar.
Multiply with Value: Multiply the value in Amount together with the input scalar.
Clipping If the value of the operation exceeds the 0..1 range allowed for scalars, the device must somehow adjust the results to fall back into the allowed range.
Clip: If the value exceeds the allowed range, clip to the nearest boundary.
For example: 0.9 + 0.2 would produce 1.0.
Rollover: If the value exceeds the allowed range, roll it over to the other side of the value range.
For example: 0.9 + 0.2 would produce 0.1.

Parameter Device - Scalar Combiner

Available in all Editions

The Scalar Combiner takes two scalar values as input and performs one of several simple mathematical operations to combine the two numbers.
If the combined value exceeds the 0..1 range, the result will be clipped to the 0..1 range.
Like all Parameter devices, its primary purpose is to assist in the creation of high quality parameterizations for macros. See the User's Guide for more information on parameterization.

Device Parameters
Add Together: Add the two input values together.
Subtract B from A: Subtract the second input value from the first input value.
Multiply: Multiply the two input values together.

Parameter Device - Bank Selector

Available in all Editions

The Bank Selector allows you to change the values of many scalar variables at once. Each variable has its own output port through which it delivers a scalar value. Multiple tabs are created, each of which specifies a preset value for a scalar variable. Changing the active tab will change the value output for each variable.
This is very useful as a way to radically alter multiple scalar values when the single integer input changes value. Inside of a macro, this can be used to create presets, or partial presets, that simplify the experience of the user.
See the User's Guide for more information on proper usage in concert with other devices intended for Macros.

Device Parameters
Add a tab Add another tab to contain preset values.
Add a variable Add another variable.
Copy tab Copy the contents of the currently selected tab to the clipboard.
Paste tab Paste the contents of the clipboard to the currently selected tab.
Currently active tab The tab that is actively exporting its values to the output ports.
Tab Selector Select one of the available tabs to work in.
Scalar Variable Setup Change and display the variables for each tab.
Name box: Supply a name for the variable.
Value slider: Set the value of the given variable in the selected tab.

Parameter Device - Universal Splitter

Available in all Editions

The Universal Splitter device allows you to wire a single output to several different inputs. In other words, it �splits� the output wire into multiple paths. You can configure the number of output ports on the splitter.
It differs from a normal Splitter in that it may be used for any data type that WM allows; upon connecting a wire to the input port, the Universal Splitter will automatically configure the output port types to match.

Device Parameters
Outputs Set the number of outputs to distribute the input.

Parameter Device - Integer Generator

Available in all Editions

Generates a parameter datapacket containing an integer value.

Device Parameters
Value The integer value to generate.

Parameter Device - Coordinate Generator

Available in all Editions

Generates a Coordinate datapacket that can then be fed into a device that has a Coordinate input. The coordinate is created from two scalar values that you specify; these values comprise the world-space location.

Device Parameters
X Value The X axis location in worldspace of this coordinate.
Y Value The Y axis location in worldspace of this coordinate.

Parameter Device - Integer Equals

Available in all Editions

Compares an integer parameter input with the specified integer value, and outputs either TRUE or FALSE depending on if they are equal or not.

Device Parameters
Comparison Value The integer value to compare the input against.